Sunday, November 29, 2015

Colorful Longhorn Painting Cattle Art Texas Longhorn Paintings "Spotted Texan" by Debra Hurd

 Original Texas Longhorn Palette Knife Western Animal Oil Painting

 24"x24" Oil on Canvas/Available

 Click HERE for pricing

 Visit to view more of my work.

 Visit my Daily Painters Gallery HERE

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Friday, November 13, 2015

Colorful Contemporary Animal Art,Equine Painting, Horse Art "Spring Green" by Contemporary Animal Artist Patricia A. Griffin

 Equine Painting, Horse Art, Pony

 24"x18" Oil on Linen -Available

 Click HERE for pricing.

 Prints are also available HERE

 10% of the profits from each painting are donated to Conservation.

 View more of my work at

 Click HERE to learn about Artists for Conservation.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Art by Oklahoma Abstract Contemporary Equine Artist Jonelle T. McCoy

"Tension" 18"x24"x1.5" acrylic- available

It's been awhile since I posted, I've been busy but not so much on the art side. After the equine festival I was a part in NY, I came back home and felt somewhat out of sorts. There have been some changes in my private life that have good points and bad, I have guests coming for Thanksgiving that are staying a whole week, and soon after my husband has the first of his both knee replacements done. There is a LOT of preparation going on for the time he's recovering, getting wood cut, split and stacked since we heat with wood harvested from our own property, cleaning up in each room throwing out old stuff, donating other things and/or finding a new pile to put it in while another area gets the treatment. Sounds like an easy task? Ahhhh, no- it isn't. Small house, packrat type husband and a gal who really hates housework lol makes for slow going. I did put out the call for 2016 calendars, and I want to have some new work to put in it, but have found it hard to settle and focus on artwork. So much going on distracts my mind and me being scatterbrained doesn't help with the creativity. I guess you could say I am having a bit of creative blockage- caused by the busy list we face for a long haul of recovery during the winter- or by some other reason? I'm not sure. I do have a nice stack of started works, some smaller but more larger. So maybe say a prayer for me that I can find some peace in my mind, heart and soul to enter that special place where magic happens and I can connect what's inside to canvas. I can tell you all- it's something I will give thanks for on November 26th. 

If you've ordered a 2016 equine art calendar, and have yet to pay your invoice, please don't wait much longer or your count won't be included in the print run. I only print those that have been paid for in advance not counting my own number- so don't wait, and yes, I am still taking orders if you want one! Thank you.   

Jonelle T. McCoy
McCoy's Gaited Horse Artworks
Your Equine Art Connection! 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015